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Cheeseburger Pizza

Macronutrients for entire pizza:

1000 Calories

75g Protein

115g Carbohydrates

27g Fat


-120g self rising flour

-135g 4% milkfat cottage cheese

-30g ketchup

-30g mustard

-120g mozzarella cheese (reduced fat 2% milk)

-93% lean ground beef (cooked)

-Dill pickles (however many you prefer)


1. Preheat oven to 400F.

2. Blend or mash the cottage cheese in a mixing bowl (I use a potato masher). Mix in the flour with the cottage cheese and knead until a consistent dough.

3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, dust the parchment paper with a little more flour, and place the ball of dough in the middle.

4. Roll out the dough until it’s consistently thin. If you don't have a roller you can use anything round and solid such as a mason jar.

5. Bake for 8 minutes and remove from the oven. Top the crust with the ketchup and mustard, spread evenly. Cover with all of the remaining ingredients.

6. Bake for an additional 12-20 minutes or until pizza is cooked to your liking. ENJOY!

To increase/decrease protein, adjust the amount of ground beef.

To increase/decrease carbs, adjust the size of the crust. Make sure to keep the ratio of cottage cheese to flour the same.

To increase/decrease fat, adjust the amount of cheese. Using a lower fat cottage cheese will decrease fat total.

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